tis 2015-12-22 klockan 16:45 +1300 skrev Mike Ross:
I do have a massive idler motor - as in it takes two people to even
think about lifting it - from my days in NY when I had to manufacture
a 3rd phase to make the S/3 and other items work... I wonder if I
could do anything using that as a starting point?
Three phase is no problem here... previous owner of house was a
woodworker and I have 3-phase 50Hz 400V straight to the workshop
already wired in :-)
Finagle's law says 90% of my 3-phase big iron was acquired in the USA
and expects 3-phase 60Hz 208V... :-(
Find a property with its own little water power station ?
And then rebuild the generator into a 60 Hz one.