On 12/24/2010 3:50 PM, Alexandre Souza - Listas wrote:
That's why
I suggested a dual purpose board. I thought a USB connector
Jim, the 999.999.999.99 question is:
If you have to develop an ENTIRE CPM system to connect to C64, just
to use the keyboard and monitor...why not design a standalone CPM
card, using a PC keyboard and a vga for output with an option for
15KHz monitors
N8VEM is a good candidate...
A couple of reasons:
* N8VEM, while a great solution, is enormous. There are many closet
C128 CP/M users, and they'd never go for such a huge addition to
their setup. A cartridge form factor, easy decision. Others
would scoff at relegating their C128 as a dumb terminal to another
machine (for instance, they could easily do the same thing by
running a CP/M emu on their PC and connecting the C128 to the PC
via a null modem cable). It's perception.
* There is more to a C128 CP/M cartridge than just using the C128 as
a dumb terminal. Some C128 CP/M apps might take advantage of the
functions in the C128 itself, like the 40 column screen and such.
Thus, memory mirroring and such would be useful. I didn't bring
it up initially, because A) not sure if apps did that. B) I just
wanted to start small, and thought that interfacing the Z80 to the
CBM bus would be a good start
* I theorized that a tiny CP/M board might be of use where N8VEM was
too big or too expansive.
* I so want to start learning Verilog. I thought, if I got a
basic environment going, I could then take a look at virtualizing
the pieces to an FPGA connected to the C128/C64. But, since I
know little of Z80 and CP/M (having used it long ago), I thought
going to FPGAs from nothing was too large a leap.
* The next step after that is an accelerated CP/M. This plays in
with my hope to obtain the rights to the SuperCPU for the
C64/C128. It lacked accelerated Z80/CP/M compatibility, which I
thought I could add, though maybe not.
I'm gathering from the results that there might not be the interest I
had theorized, which is fine. But, I thought I'd at least ask.
Jim Brain, Brain Innovations
brain at
www.jbrain.net (eStore)