WOW! What a unique unit.
Lot# 585
Gerber Scientific Model EF7.685 Line Tracing & Digitizing Machine,
Serial No. NONE,May 1980. Thee machine package consists of four
components. 1) Large-size 188" long by 89" wide plotter table. (1)
4-bay equipment rack. (1) Operator control console (with ancient CRT
terminals).(4)Cabinets containing spare parts. NOTE:The machine is
currently installed in a raised-floor computer room in the Bldg. The
exit path requires negotiating some tight turns to get the table out
of the room and into the main hallway for removal.
Location: Hazelwood, MO
current bid $200, ends in 1h31m
Includes ADM 3A(?) terminal!
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Pilgrimage: Utah's annual demoparty