On Sat, 7 Nov 2015 17:38:23 -0800
Al Kossow <aek at> wrote:
On 11/7/15 4:45 PM, Kevin Parker wrote:
Try contacting Weird Stuff
Most of the boxed software goes out on the floor or in the 'free' box outside
the store.
Lyle might see it when it comes in, though generally they don't sort
used software or books, they just give it to retail.
Solaris and related software is located in two places. In "As Is" to the far
right as you enter that area and also in a "stash" located in the employee only
area. If you are looking for a specific Solaris software package (including version, etc.)
contact me off list. I go to WS about once a week and have access to all areas...
73 AF6WS
Bickley Consulting West Inc.
"Black holes are where God is dividing by zero"