Just so you don't feel alone, lots of HP tape drive capstan rubber sleeves
that are over twenty years old show the same "attribute" of "melting"
- I've
repaired several of the critters.
I suggest you find some quality rubber tubing which matches as closley as
possible the specs. of the original rubber and use a good rubber/metal glue -
usually black and very "sticky" (essential for HP high speed drives).
On Tuesday 03 February 2004 10:40, Witchy wrote:
Hi folks,
I've seen this phenomenon on the likes of printers etc but I've never seen
it on a tape drive. Basically the rubber that used to surround the wheel
that controls FF/REW/Play functions on the tapedeck in my newly acquired
Sharp MZ80B has melted to a sticky black compound that's run down the
housing and gummed up the tape wheels.
Pix at
http://www.wowrarelook.co.uk/DSCF5821.JPG (244k) front of housing showing
icky stuff
http://www.wowrarelook.co.uk/DSCF5812.JPG (27k) control wheel
Note shiny surfaces where there shouldn't be shiny surfaces :)
I'd assume that the tape mechanism was a standard one but the question is,
can I still get the part seen in DSCF5812.JPG since it appears that's all
that's at fault?
Cheers as ever.
Binary Dinosaurs
www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk - possibly the UK's biggest online computer
www.snakebiteandblack.co.uk - ex-monthly gothic shenanigans :o(
Lyle Bickley
Bickley Consulting West Inc.
"Black holes are where God is dividing by zero"