I don't think the 11/05 needed a DL11. Wasn't there a SLU built into
the CPU (M7260, M7261)?
Yes there is a SLU on one of the CPU boards, but in th GT40 it's used for
communcaiton with the keyboard. The DL11 is used fro commuication with
the host.
There were 4 or 5 backplanes for the 11/05, 11/10,
including the GT40 one.
I've seen :
CPU + 8K core + 4 SLU slots for the 5.25" box
CPU + 16K core + 1 SLU slot for the 5.25" box
Somthing for a 10.5" box (BA11-K I think), CPU + core, but I can't
remember the details
CPU + 8K core + VT11 + 1 SPC slot (GT40)