>> *dst++ = *src++; // Copy a word of src to dst
while incrementing both
> srsly? This is such a common C idiom, that I'd think anyone who feels
> this needs a comment shouldn't be using the language.
Syllabus statement about comments:
"Comments are necessary. Although the compiler won't choke on uncommented
code, it WILL get you a failing grade in this class, and maybe eventually
fired from a job!
"Every program or block of code must have comments that identify what it
is and what it does. It should not be necessary to study the code to find
out what a program or block of code does.
"Anything clever or confusing needs a more specific comment. If you do
something brilliant, make it yours!
"Commenting will vary according to who it is for. Comments for your boss
may be different than those that are appropriate for the rest of the cow-
"In this class, I want you to comment at a level that would explain things
to the rest of this class.
while (*t++ = *s++);
needs a comment in a first semester class, but by the second or third
semester, you could assume that everybody would understand it.
"After the end of the class, however, you will need to comment in
whatever way your BOSS wants. If you write code for yourself,
you certainly can comment however you want, but I'd still RECOMMEND that
you comment generously, and comment so that your friends can understand,
and so that you can understand it if you come back to the code many years
later, or tired, or in a hurry, or after 4:20."