On 1 July 2012 23:03, Sander Reiche <sander.reiche at gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,
I would just like to inform you guys, if you haven't read or heard
about it, is that my entry being running an actual MicroPDP-11/83
online 24/7 with 2.11BSD on the internet, is now up. Sure, there are
still some minor things to sort out (like the order of name resolving
in libc apparently :)) and probably some other stuff, but I already
have 30 registered users and some of 'm are RPGing away in old skool
Zork :)
If you want to join in on the fun;
Hey, cool. Thanks for that.
I wonder... I have a couple of long-term "projects" that might count...
Liam Proven ? Profile:
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