Now you're
talking! I suspect you'd have considerably more commercial
success with a reissue of the SuperCPU. If you use an actual WDC
65816 with verilog-based FPGA glue logic it should be a relatively
straightforward job. With a large enough FPGA, you might well be able
to synthesize both the 65816 and a Z80. I suspect the latter approach
might be cheaper in the long run.
I have already purchased a Digilent board with an XC3S1200, the next to
largest Spartan 3E in production. If the design can fit on 1 or 2 of
those units (or the 1600s), I can make the system viable at a reasonable
cost. I am in the process of obtaining the necessary rights to the
SuperCPU design from the initial developer, but the actual design is no
longer cost effective. It would need to be virtualized into FPGA to be