I've been using GTTY a lot recently and discovered a feature that probably
should have been there from day one: A "clear screen" commmand. Expecially
helpful when you're running diagnostics and are getting errors - then swaping
boards and reruning the diags. Hitting the "clear screen" key (F6) is handy
for cleaning up the old diagnostic messages.
To update your copy to this latest version:
Note: For those who haven't been following "GTTY" - Its purpose is to act
a "Glass TTY" for a PDP-8/x, including paper tape reader and punch. It has
"pacing" implemented, and supports baud rates from 110 to 38,400. The
file includes documentation on both "GTTY" and the hardware modifications for
implementing "pacing" for your PDP-8/x. Source code is included.
Please also note that GTTY defaults to "pacing" mode - but if invoked as
"gtty -n" will turn off pacing.
Lyle Bickley
Bickley Consulting West Inc.
Mountain View, CA
"Black holes are where God is dividing by zero"