In article <200603091201.k29C1Egs018039 at>,
Brad Parker <brad at> writes:
My concern is that things I record now on cd-r might
not last even 5-10
I'm skeptical when someone says that CD-Rs won't last, because as you
mention with sunlight, how the disc is stored and treated is probably
just as important, if not more, than the media itself. For instance,
film can last a really long time if stored properly (although certain
stock varieties "fade to purple" and things like that), but can
deteriorate rapidly if stored improperly.
I have CD-Rs that I burned probably 10 years ago that are still fine.
Its not a scientific sampling, but they aren't kept on the dashboard
of a car, either. Does anyone know of any kind of scientific study of
media lifetimes and not just something that was repeated on the
reuters news wire as a bit of fear mongering?
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