Jerome Fine replies:
I don't like top posting, but this one seemed like it would be appropriate.
Sorry for the delay. Allison's reply is helpful, but I thought I might
add a few words.
Probably your best option is to use the BA23 box. However, for that
option, you
really need a quad M8189 CPU (PDP-11/23) or a quad M8190 CPU (PDP-11/73).
It is entirely possible to use the dual M8186 CPU (PDP-11/23), however,
you will
then require a controller with a boot ROM (usually only available with a
3rd party
disk controller) or you will need to enter the boot program via ODT each
time you
power on the system. Entering the boot program manually (by hand one
at a time) takes about 5 minutes. A boot program for the MSCP M7555
is available.
Of course, no one seems to have addressed the problem of how to migrate
Do you have any software to run? Do you have any hard drives?
Once you have a working system, the PDP-11 is a real fun computer. But
I might
suggest that before you decide to spend a lot of time and effort to get
a running
system, use the emulators that are available to see if you really like
running the
software. Both SIMH and Ersatz-11 work well, although Ersatz-11 might be
easier since it supports VT100 emulation as part of the application. RT-11
binary distributions (up to V05.03) are available on classiccmp for
Sincerely yours,
Jerome Fine
Dave Dunfield wrote:
Hi Guys,
Recently acquired a goodly amount of DEC gear - I had put the Q-BUS
stuff aside while I got the "all in one" VAXstation/VAXservers up and
running, but I'm starting to collect information - I've no experience
whatsoever with Q-bus, but from what I've read, I understand that it
will take a bit of research to determine how to properly configure
and position the boards.
I'm hoping that I have enough material to built up at least one
(possibly 2) nice little PDP-11's, and/or a MicroVax II)
At this point, all I'm really looking for is a good "starting point".
Can anyone recomment a good document/resources for a Q-bus newbie?
Btw, this is what I've got - If there's anything I'm obviously missing,
or will have to find extra parts for, please advise me so that I can
start looking...
Three chassis:
BA-23: complete with outer shell and end caps. It bears a
"MicroVAX II" label on the console switch panel, and has a
floppy drive (dual disk) installed in it.
I don't know the model numbers for the next two:
- One looks like a BA32 but smaller, and has the "3-switch" PDP
console/display panel on it. The cards are inserted from the
front beside the panel.
- The last one is the smallest, looks much like the one above,
complete with 3-switch console/display panel, however instead
of metal side/top/bottom plates, it has a "wire cage". It also
has a second expansion chassis of similar construction with no
power supply or console panel.
I've got the following DEC Q-BUS cards:
(Descriptions taken from the "Field Guide to Q-BUS and Unbus modules"
M3106 4-line async
M7264 11/03 processor with 4-Kword RAM
M7504 Ethernet adapter (older DEQNA)
M7546 TMSCP controller for TK50
M7555 Winchester and floppy disk controller
M7606 MicroVAX II KA630
M7608 x2 2/4 MB RAM (boards are fully populated)
M7940 x2 SLU Module
M7944 x3 4-Kword RAM
M7946 x2 RX01 floppy disk controller
M8043 x2 4-SLU peripheral interface
M8044DB x2 32Kword RAM
M8044DF x2 32Kword RAM
M8047 RAM, Async, ROMs
M8186 11/23 CPU
M9047 Grant continuity
M9400YA 120-ohm terminators with refresh & floppy boot
M9400YE Headers and 250 Ohm resistors
I've also got the following third party cards - I don't know
anything about these, other than the identifying marks found
on the boards listed below - if anyone can provide more
information on these, that would be helpful: (Several of them
appear to be media controllers of one sort or another).
Andromedia Systems UDC-11 rev H (50 pin connector at front edge)
Micro Technology Inc. MSV05B (x2) (50 pin connector at front edge)
TD Systems TDL-11H/A (50 pin connwctor at front edge)
Xylogics "Wizard 1" (50 pin connector at front edge)
SDC-RXVZ1 "8202 FD Controller" (50 pin connector at front edge)
Versatec LSI-11 P/P Interface (40 pin connector at front edge)
Sigma Information Systems Assy 40100
- This board has one 40 + one 50 pin connector, and a place to
populate another 40 pin - none are at the front edge.
W951 "Flip Chip"
- This board has places for various sized chips (most of them populated)
with pins to wire-wrap connections between them - looks like some sort
of prototyping board.
+ A couple of the little grant continuity boards.
I don't expect this to be a short journy, but it should be interesting...
Thanks in advance for any advice/tips.
dave06a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
com Collector of vintage computing equipment: