Well, if the board is just double sided (i.e. all
tracks visible, except
where they pass under components), you can generally trace tracks by eye
and confirm with an ohmmeter. And if there are internal tracks, I think
tracing those from an X-ray image wouldn't be exactly trivial.
Before you read the text below, am willing to help anyone out who has
equipment they want to reproduce (as far as getting the x-ray goes)...but
its not a fast and easy method.
It isn't easy, and I would advise against it. If you have 4 layer product,
TWO boards and are willing to throw one away, then it is cheap and easy. I
wouldn't have ever came out with
www.altairkit.com without the guys at
www.mhtest.com. They will take your 2-3-4-etc layer board and generate
production ready cad drawings. A 2 layer board does not need to be
destroyed, however a 4 layer board will need to be "planed" so that they
can scan the inner layers.
Most 4 layer boards just have a VCC and GND power planes, so the top and
bottom are the signals. I still wouldn't use the x-ray to generate the cad
artwork. Been there... ; )
Here are two shots of a Mac 512k motherboard. You can see the difference.
This is what a 4 layer board CAN look like. You can see the holes in the
middle layers where the through hole devices go through.
Take a look at my website at
www.altairkit.com and read the story link. I
first tried to duplicate the boards with x-ray, and even developed a way to
do it (it just takes a lot of time). The method involves scanning the back
of the board as an image and combining it with the x-ray. The grey traces
will be on the top and the orange ones will be on the bottom.
X-ray of Altair 8800 CPU board:
The photo scan of the Altair 8800 CPU board:
The x-ray / photo composite: