In article <20120823111000.GC16844 at>,
microcode at writes:
On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 06:09:27AM -0400, allison
IIRC, he has posted on-topic posts on the list before. I don't consider it
spamming when somebody asks for help from guys who might be able to help. I
mean if you were out of a job don't you think you would appreciate some help
or a friendly word?
Yeah, I didn't consider it spam per se, just "unwanted email". But
hey, my email address is on my messages and anyone can send me
unwanted email. Many people have broadened their definition of spam
to "any email I don't want!". If you don't want anyone to send you
unwanted email, then you should never post to any mailing list or
newsgroup with your real email address.
Of course, generally you can't post to a mailing list except from the
email address used to read that mailing list. I suppose you could
subscribe to a throwaway address that you use for posting and only
read messages on the web, but it seems like a lot of bother just to
avoid the occasional unexpected email.
I am not happy to see anybody talented or willing to
work out of a job, but
I'd prefer to see posts like his vs. the arguments and flame fests that make
up 90% of the rest of the traffic on this list.
I was disappointed to see that the message was ill-formatted and
obviously generic. Had the person taken the time to format the
message to read nicely (remember, you only get one chance to make a
first impression) and bothered to make the email specific to me and
not a generic "let me just hit everyone on the mailing list with this
identical message", I might have bothered to read it.
I almost sent a chastising reply, but decided against it, because as
you say, people are looking for work and it's a tough environment out
I happen to work at a company that is aggressively hiring, but not for
people in the Ukraine. (Seriously? You're emailing me from the other
side of the globe asking for work?) I have interviewed more people in
the past year than I have in the past 30 years. I am surprised at the
number of senior people that haven't kept their skills current and
claim expertise in areas where they really just don't know it.
Perhaps in the particular case I'm thinking about, the guy just didn't
want the job, but I never heard a person say "I don't know" or "I
don't remember" so many times since Ollie North was testifying before
the Iran-Contra investigation in Congress.
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