Having downloaded the BYTE in question, a more complete version of
Table 1 from the article is as follows:
^L Form feed
^N APL character set Selects 2nd character set
(factory set with APL)
^O Normal character set Selects normal character set
ESC 5 Print entire character set Test mode
ESC 7 Upside-down print mode Rotates characters 180 degrees
ESC 8 Sideways I print mode Rotates characters 90 degrees
ESC 9 Sideways II print mode Rotates characters 270 degrees
ESC 0 Double width characters Prints double width characters
ESC A Boldface characters Prints each character in boldface
ESC B Enter graphics mode
ESC C Special reset Returns DECwriter to normal
configuration, exits graphics mode
ESC F Power-up reset Resets all modes, character styles,
tabs, and top of form
ESC G Up 1/4 line
ESC H Down 1/4 line
ESC J Set bar mode In graphics mode, prints all
seven dots instead of one at a time
ESC N 3rd character set Selects 3rd character set
(factory set with math and
greek symbols)
ESC P 4th character set Selects 4th character set
as defined in programmable memory
ESC Q Load-memory character set Defines 4th character set to be
loaded into programmable memory
Once in graphics mode, the Selanar doesn't use Tek401x command
sequences as I guessed, but uses ASCII digits and the following
command characters:
0-9 Build number in accumulator
( X1 := X2, Y1 := Y2, clear accumulator
, X2 := accumulator, clear accumulator
. Y2 := accumulator, clear accumulator
) Draw line from (X1, Y1) to (X2, Y2)
] Move to (X1, Y1)
"The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" free book
The Computer Graphics Museum <http://computergraphicsmuseum.org>
The Terminals Wiki <http://terminals.classiccmp.org>
Legalize Adulthood! (my blog) <http://legalizeadulthood.wordpress.com>