Okay, as long as the discussion has swerved off this, how many
woodworkers out there have constructed their own vintage gear
cabinets and cases?
I've got a few odds and ends, for various things, such as my oak
raised panel floppy file (6' high x 4' wide by 3' deep with drawers
to hold many floppies of various sizes. I've got a floating-panel
case for my UPS (wet) batteries, figuring that it won't rust from the
acid fumes. And I've got an eastern red cedar floppy drive enclosure
for a 2.8" drive because I couldn't find anything that fit precisely.
I've considered setting up a mahogany case with bakelite handled-
lever switches and jeweled incandescent lamp indictators with a brass
escutcheon here and there for something like a CP1600-based micro.
Sadly, thinking is about as far as I've gotten. There's no reason
that computer gear has to have a retro-industrial look to it.