Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2007 15:44:33 +0000> From:
ethan.dicks at> To: cctalk at> Subject: Re: how to connect a
DECprinter I (LA180) ?> > On Fri, Dec 28, 2007 at 04:05:37PM +0100, Henk Gooijen
wrote:> > > > The seasonal holidays give me time to play around a bit ...>
> I wanted to connect my DECprinter I (that's an LA180) but> > I could not
find any documentation here at home, neither> > on the web!> > If you
can't find the LA-180 manual, perhaps one of the> interface manuals is on
bitsavers?> > > Can somebody who knows or has an LA180> > connected tell me
how it is hooked to a serial line?> > Or point me to an LA180 user's manual on
the web?> > It's not hooked to a serial line. It's an 8-bit parallel>
printer with handshaking.> > > >From my guess, the BERG header is
"standard" as on M7800> > DL11's or M7856 DL11-W, SLU's (with the
appropriate lugs> > either RS-232 or 20 mA current loop), but I would rather be>
> assured than destroying a very nice printer!> > Just because DEC used the
40-pin BERG on PDP-8 and PDP-11> console interfaces does not make the same connector in
the> LA-180 a serial interface. The same connector is used on> the RL11, RLV11,
RLV12, and the RL8A, and is certainly> does _not_ carry EIA or 20mA signals on it.
It's just> a very, very common connector in the DEC world after, say,> 1970.>
> The LA-180 can be attached directly to an LP-11, an LPV-11,> an LP8E, or a DKC8AA
(PDP-8/a multi-I/O board, which inverts> some signals and does not have the same IOTs
as an LP8E, so> uses a different OS/8 driver).> > I recall a simple circuit with
one or two handshake signals> inverted to hook a LA-180 to a Centronics-type
printer> interface, but you'd probably want to find the LA-180> manual for
that.> > I did get a manual with mine, 20 years ago, the size of a> small-town
phone book. If it's been scanned, it's going to> be a large file.> >
It's a great printer. I hope someone can help you find a> manual for it. You'll
certainly want to be on the lookout> for either an LP-11 (quad height) or an LPV-11,
depending> on what kind of PDP-11 or VAX you have. IIRC, you _can_> stuff an LP
interface into a VAX and the VMS LPDRIVER> will work (giving you LPA0:)> >
-ethan> > -- > Ethan Dicks, A-333-S Current South Pole Weather at 28-Dec-2007 at
15:30 Z> South Pole Station> PSC 468 Box 400 Temp -11.9 F (-24.4 C) Windchill -33.5
F (-36.4 C)> APO AP 96598 Wind 11.6 kts Grid 27 Barometer 684.4 mb (10463 ft)> >
Ethan.Dicks at
Thanks Ethan! That was very informative information!
True, that blue BERG header is very common, but I ASSumed that
the printer had a serial interface, which made me think that it
*could* resemble the DL11 connector.
I did not know that the LP11 interface can be used to connect
the LA180, but that is great news. I know for sure that I have at
least two LP11 UNIBUS modules (M7258) and I will check my cable
storage in the attick. I vaguely remember that I have a cable for
the LP11!
I would like to connect the LA180 to my 11/34C, so that would be
great. I have checked bitsavers, but on "LA180" there is not much.
However, looking for LP11 is more successful, so after this e-mail
I am off to one of the mirror site to grab the LP11 User's Manual
for starters :-) I'll report my findings.
One day, I might put the other LP11 interface in my VAX-11/750...!
thanks again!