Hello Paul
On 30-Aug-00, you wrote:
Hi, gang.
Over the weekend, I picked up an old audio-to-TTL or RS-232
interface at a hamfest (AEA CP-1, for those of you who know what
it is....) with joystick-port TTL cable, but no RS-232 components
installed. (That might be a project for later, since I have the
book/schemo/parts list).
I want to use either one of my C-64's or one of my IIe's with the
interface, but I lack the necessary software. Since we all love old
software, and I know several of us are hams, I figured this would be
as good a place as any to start looking.
If I can't find anything, I'll try installing the RS-232 components to
the motherboard and see if I can get a regular serial port to work
and try it on my pc. But I'd really rather use the older machines for
this. CW receive/decode is a priority, since I can still send with a
paddle, and I'd like to try decoding some RTTY if possible.
Can anyone help?
I have a copy of Hamtext for the C=64 that might work, but it is only good
for Baudot and CW. None of the good stuff like clover or pactor.
You might refresh my memory on the CP1 there. I can't remember if it is TTL
out, RS232 or both. I'd just use the TTL out as that is what the software
driven serial port is on the 64.
If this doesn't pan out, I'd use an active filter for the single tone you
need for CW, rectify it and turn that DC level into something TTL would
Gary Hildebrand
Box 6184
St. Joseph, MO 64506-0184