Since rain was forecast for today, the seller turnout was less than normal
and pickings were a bit slim. However I did pick up a couple of interesting
things. For $1 each, I picked up an Ampex core memory board (and gave it to
a friend of mine, another collector), a Beckman S-100 microprocessor board,
an Intel Multibus Single Board Computer 80/10A, and an Intel Multibus 80/10B
card of some sort. The only reason I picked up the Intel Multibus boards
was because they are were dated 1976 and 1985 respectively (and they were
only $1 each!) I've picked up Multibus memory cards in the past for the
same reason. I haven't checked out my Intel Development System and they may
fit is a system like that. Anyone collect/save from scrap these things ...
besides me:).
I did get a lead on a guy who sells S-100 cards down there, but didn't have
any this time. So, I'll make him a regular stop when I see him next time.
The last time I saw his S-100 cards, they were priced at $5 each which is
probably fine for the IMSAI I/O cards I saw, but perhaps high for the other
"no name", i.e. I didn't recognize the name, cards that looked like disk
I did see a DigiLogic unit that appeared to be some type of logic analysis
unit, an Atari 400, and the usual collection of early Mac and IBM stuff, but
I wasn't interested so I didn't check prices.