In article <BLU145-W4466F3D75594E510A08717BA330 at phx.gbl>,
Randy Dawson <rdawson16 at> writes:
1963 isnt the 50's but close.
Ivan Sutherland's Sketchpad:
Yes, I'm well familiar with Sutherland and sketchpad.
I'm trying to drill back before Sketchpad. For most people, Sketchpad is
where it starts, but after reading the book on the SAGE system, I realize
that SAGE predates Sketchpad for a couple key innovations. I am
wondering if they originate with SAGE or had already been known
techniques used in other computers before that. So far, I can't find
anything earlier than SAGE.
"The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" -- DirectX 9 draft available for download
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