On 31 January 2014 23:03, Robert Jarratt <robert.jarratt at ntlworld.com> wrote:
Odd, I have a search for small SCSI disks. Trouble is
that the search always
returns lots of disks that are well outside the sub 10GB category, so it can
be easy to miss the genuine ones.
It looks like I may be moving abroad in the next month or so, so I
will be disposing of most of the rest of my kit collection.
Sadly, when I was trying to resurrect a Mac+ recently, almost all the
SCSI drives I tried seemed to be dead, but I still have a few working
ones. A DEC 5.25" drive in a SEU will be hitting eBay very soon
indeed, for example, but I don't know whether it's working or not.
I will, as ever, mention anything I list here on CCmp, but people seem
to have a habit of missing my posts. Perhaps I've been killfiled by
too many or something!
Liam Proven * Profile:
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