Want a program to act as a "Glass" TTY for your PDP-8x - with paper tape file
upload and capture capabilities? Free? You can download if via anonymous FTP
from "bickleywest.com" or using your browser
via "ftp://bickleywest.com".
All you need to make it work is a serial cable from your PDP-8x TTY console
(EIA RS-232 mode) to the serial port of a DOS capable PC. It's been tested
with DOS 6.22 and a DOS Window in Windows 98se and Windows XT.
A copy of the file "gtty.txt" which describes it's capabilities and
limitations is below:
GTTY - A Glass TTY + Load paper tape software into a PDP-8
by Lyle Bickley, Bickley Consulting West Inc.
Inspired by K. McQuiggin's "RIM Client, Version 0.2" (July, 1998) , I
decided to write a complete "Glass" TTY that could be used as a console,
paper tape "reader" and "punch" for my PDP-8/F.
Starting up, it is a full duplex glass TTY - and sends the characters
you type to the PDP-8 and displays the characters received from the
PDP-8 on the screen/monitor. Hitting the "F2" key - GTTY asks you for a
PT (paper tape) filename - and lets you specify whether you want it to strip
"garbage" characters from the tape before uploading it to the PDP8.
After the upload, it automatically switches back to "glass" TTY mode.
Hitting the "F3" key asks for the name of a "Capture" file - and then
all data received from the PDP-8 is captured to the file. Note that
the display is turned off - as typically the data to be "captured" is a
binary punch file. Hitting the "F4" key closes the capture file and
GTTY switches back to "glass" TTY mode.
The other two active function keys are "F1" - Help, and "F5" - Exit.
1. No function keys get passed to the PDP-8 (even those that are
not "progamatically active".
2. Filenames are limited to DOS's 8.3 filename format.
3. The GTTY startup parameters (upper or lower case) are:
-P port [COM port=1,2,3 or 4] Default "1"
-B baud [Baud rate=110,300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600 or 19200]
Default 9600
-S stop bits [Number of stop bits=1 or 2]
-H help
4. I'm a *NIX buff and haven't written DOS code for years, but I wrote
GTTY as a DOS program because I know there are a lot of collectors
that use "imagedisk", "Teledisk", "PUTR", etc. which
only operate
on DOS - and many folks who don't have *NIX systems. I've successfully
tested GTTY on DOS 6.22, Windows 98 SE in a DOS window, and Windows XT
[Home Edition] in a DOS window.
5. I'm including the source code, for anyone who would like to "hack"
the program, add feature, etc. My only request is that if you release
it back to the community that you change it's name, and maintain
my copyright notice in the code and startup. Note that it is totally
"free" when used for non-commercial use. Please contact me at
lbickley at
bickleywest.com for commercial use.
6. I wrote GTTY in "C" - and wanted to use a freely available DOS compiler
and libraries. I selected Dave Dunfield's "Micro-C". Dave's
and libraries let you get close enough to the "metal" to make a
program such as GTTY responsive and effective - easily handling
communications, screen and keyboard control simultaneously. His
compiler can be downloaded from:
www.dunfield.com, either "free" or if
you want all the examples and library source (I did) for the modest
cost of $25.
7. I've successfully uploaded virtually every paper tape diagnostic available
for my system (and it's I/O). In addition, I've uploaded FOCAL and
other software without error at 9600 baud. I've tried it using both
the M8550-YA and the M8655 "TTY" console boards with equal success.
Have fun!
Note: Forgot to add that the backspace and delete key both generate
the classic TTY "rubout" character.
Lyle Bickley
Bickley Consulting West Inc.
Mountain View, CA
"Black holes are where God is dividing by zero"