On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 1:49 PM, BE Arnold <bearnold at outlook.com> wrote:
On Dec 23, 2013, at 1:33 PM, "Ethan Dicks"
<ethan.dicks at gmail.com> wrote:
lots of S-100 machines in the hands of middle-aged
engineers who could afford them, but the younger crowd was more likely to
zoom in on a machine with BASIC
Valid point.
In the late '70s I would drool over the ads in the mags for S-100 bus machines, but
on a sailor's pay, no way.
I was a wee lad when the S-100 was at its peak. My parents had a
couple of different friends who owned S-100 machines (one was a
Northstar Horizon, I remember specifically), but I was going down to
the public library and using PETs for free an hour a week (via signup
sheet - one box per sheet, but you could stick around if nobody kicked
you off, so I learned when the advantageous times were and routinely
got 2-3 hours). Initially, we were going to get an 8K PET, but by the
time I saved up enough to contribute half, the 8K was retired, so we
got a 32K PET instead for $1100 (my contribution was 1/3). I still
have it. It still works. I spent many, many hours on it before
moving up to the Commodore 64 a few years later.
I too drooled over the ads but the prices were so high even for a 16K
S-100 system with a single floppy that it was never going to happen.
I would have loved to have had a floppy for the PET, but they cost
more than the CPU! I got good at managing a double-shoebox of