... well ... it's not a safe assumption. I've got a couple of Performas that
I bought yesterday for ~$10 for the two (plus tax). They work fine, but you
know they don't have PCI compatablity.
It's good to know about that, though. This USB-2 seems to hold out a lot of
promise, particularly with the low cost of the boards.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Pat Finnegan" <pat(a)purdueriots.com>
To: <classiccmp(a)classiccmp.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: APPLEVISION Monitor
On Wed, 1 May 2002, Richard Erlacher wrote:
Does the MAC support USB? How about USB-2?
5-port boards for the PC cost
about $20.
It should work, assuming you have a new enough Mac or a something that'll
accept a PCI USB card. In case you didn't notice, the iMac is all USB
(except for its modem or ethernet connection IIRC). About the oldest
things to support PCI however are the 7200, 7500, 82xx and 92xx, I think.
You should, in fact, be able to pretty cheaply pick up a Mac clone - those
will almost definately have PCI, and will be cheaper than an Apple Mac
computer with the same configuration. The only problem I've seemed to
notice is that my PowerBase 200 (built from free and spare parts) has a
completely retarded case design and a somewhat slow bus speed. With cost
cuts come crappier hardware designs I guess.
-- Pat