I've got an BA23 Box with an M8190-AB lately (from Henk, special thanks to
The M8190-AB should be an KDJ11-BB 11/73 CPU. I have an MSV11-JE (M8637-E)
PMI Memory Card too and I'm wondering if I can use them thogether..
As far as I've read it should be possible if I put the memory below the
CPU, using it as plain Q-BUS memory this way. Can anyone confirm this?
What will happen if I put the Memory board at top in the PMI Order?
What are the differences from the KDJ11-BB to the KDJ11-BF? Are there
pictures to look at somwhere on the net? All I have found for KDJ11-BF with
google is exactly looking like my 11/73 CPU Board....
Kind Regards,
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