On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 12:32 PM, Al Kossow <aek at bitsavers.org> wrote:
Just to remind people, PDP-11 software is still
actively being searched for.
Is there a list? I have a couple of boxes of RSX-11 distro tapes and
RL02 from the 1980s that have been stored indoors but I've made no
attempt to read because I figured there was nothing unique about them.
None of it is especially old (c. 1982-1988, IIRC), but I'm happy to
contribute to fill any gaps in the historical record. I am presently
set up to read 1600 bpi, but I don't have any gear set up to read 800
bpi (I have a couple of Kennedy 7"/DEC TS03 transports but they
haven't been spun up in decades, nor am I entirely sure where my TMB11