I sent this yesterday offlist, but now I've had a delivery failure and
no reply.
I sent my replies both to the list and to what appeared to be the
sender's address (I suspect he's not on the list) and to date have heard
nothing more...
So I'm certainly interested. I don't think I can find a use (or room)
for five
systems, but I'd be happy to collect and pass this stuff on (and scan
the docs
if they've not already been scanned).
I believe the manuals are available from
http://www.hpmuseum.net/ . As I
mentuioned, I would quite like a set of original manuals simply because I
am still doing things with these machines and it's a right pain (read :
next to impossible) for me to download and print anything that large.
5 HP9836s is probably too much for me to digest, but I
could collect
them and then pass them on to others. I'd quite like to hang on to one
(Tony Duell has convinced me of that).
They are interesting machines....
Alsa we don't know the specification yet (even if they're -A (monochrome)
or -C (colour) machines.
I really can't accomodate any more of these machines, but would be
interested in unusual add-ons that I've not seen so as to produce
unofficial repair information for them (which I'll then share of course).
And I would be very happy to help in getting all the machines running