Pontus Pihlgren <pontus at Update.UU.SE> wrote:
> Stacken
have had to get rid of most of their stuff, I think, but
> Peter still has his, and maybe more.
Did that stuff get thrown out or did it end up with other stacken
members? (Expect for the stuff that went to uppsala this year)
I'm afraid most of Stackens stuff is lost forever. :-( There was a
little stuff saved in a warehouse somewhere still, if you remember...
But we did manage to save a KS-10, and they kept one at KTH. Both should
be functional. That's always something.
> I think
I've written about this before, but it seems that either is
> noone seeing my mails, or noone remembers them, or possible noone
> wants to believe them.
> Don't know which...
Posting a link to his gallery makes it more believable, but I'm sure
that the link has been posted before:
Ah. That first link was really good. There people can see what Peter
have in storage. Most of it very much possible to get running. So he
have actually four KI10 systems, as well as two KA10, and a bunch of KL
and KS. It was more than I thought.
Looks like a pretty good collection of all 36-bit machines with PDP-10
like architecture. Missing is a PDP-6, as well as a few clones.
The SC30 is actually online on HECnet. :-)
.ncp tell sol sho exec
Node summary as of 28-OCT-09 19:53:09
Executor node = 59.10 (SOL)
Identification = Systems Concepts SF CA USA - SC30M - DN-20 4.0
State = On, Active links = 0
I think his TOAD-1 is also running, but it don't seem to be online on
HECnet right now.
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol