Hmmmm... with fond respect accorded to My Learned
Colleague... this tautology seems a bit specious.
So I would rather propose the following scenaria:
You find a "perfect-10" Magnesium GridCase at a local thriftshop
for $5.. you talk them down to $3 and it's yours. Upon firing it
up, you find:
A) the entire 'black book' of a notorious drug lord... databases,
names, addresses, spreadsheets, etc. Among the names are various
prominent politicians, celebrities, and others. It is clear they
have been.... misbehaving.
One call to the DEA with date stamped reciept handy.
B) The complete record of a well known high-profile psychiatrist,
including some very 'private' info on, again, various Famous Folk.
A few of these Folk are in "positions of trust", and the info would
tend to utterly disqualify them from those positions.
delete. were i a reporter, I'm sure it would be a different outcome.
C) The business and research records of a successful competitor of
yours... all of the data required to smash them like a slimy bug
and take over sole dominance in your market.
/=^) go through it with a fine tooth comb, report any wrong doings to the proper
combine his/her knowledge/experience with mine.... try to get better... ok, ok
smash him like a bug!
Ball's in your court. All you *really* wanted was the computer...
in situation C, i really got a bonus!