At 21:27 12/01/2006, you wrote:
In message <012e01c617b5$7d22f440$5f25fea9 at
"John Allain" <allain at> wrote:
Hey, Free Publicity, right?
Um, there is such a thing as bad publicity...
It's often said, there is no such thing as Bad Publicity. Of course,
you have to take advantage of it ...
Back in the mid to late 80's, I ran a national on-line moderated chat
room, called "Free Speech", on the British Telecom "Prestel" viewdata
system. I think, at the time, it was the only free chat room
available! Since actually buying space for this was expensive, (GBP
500 for 100 off 768-byte pages p.a.) I blagged space from all
over! It had started out on the Pan-Am (airline) information pages
when I took it over, and after a sojourn all over the system, we
ended up using space on the British Rail on-line timetable
system!! Bear in mind, this was 20 years ago, very pre-internet, and
hardly anybody outside the UK travel industry and a few computer
geeks had heard of Prestel, never mind knew you could actually do
anything useful on it.
Anyway, at some point I let through a message asking for adult
contacts, which while fairly inoffensive by todays standards,
somebody took umbrage, despite me censoring it, removing contact
details, and commenting "no more of these" on the bottom, and it
ended up being shown on TV, on a prime-time, London BBC1 chat show
"look what I found while looking up my train times", complete with
computer and dial-up connection on-camera.
B.R. promptly pulled the plug on my space, and totally missed the
opportunity to utilise that publicity of their timetable service
which virtually nobody had heard of before and didn't know existed,
and which was surely costing them a lot of money (because it used a
direct link to their own systems, rather than being static pages, and
that cost an awful lot more to set up..) You couldn't buy that sort
of exposure at any price, (no ads on the BBC).
Ah well. I still have all the messages archived, on dozens of
floppies, even a few tapes. Some day I will sort them out and re-publish..
"The Mad Sysop"