On 2013-02-06 20:39, Zane H. Healy wrote:
At 11:24 AM -0800 2/6/13, Chuck Guzis wrote:
I remember that the old DEC TK-50 DLT drives
would leave me red-faced
at the end of the day. However, I'm wondering what the *latest* drive
(i.e. most advanced) is that can still *read* the old TK50 tapes? Can
one go as far as a TK85? Later?
I suspect that a DLT IV drive wouldn't stand a chance.
Anyone have experience with this?
I *may* have a chart on this somewhere... IIRC only the DEC drives can
read them, the Quantum branded ones can't. Ah, that was easy to
google. Looks like a TK87 is the last drive.
Sorry to jump in, without being able to check in my garage.
They are two version out there of the Tx87. I think the "normal" Tx87
and the Tx87-N. Only the later can read the tk50/tk70. They even have a
LED in the front, which shows the "tk50/tk70" mode.