Assuming I read you correctly, the mobo appears to have problems.
You should invest in a multimeter. 20$ or so from Radio Shack or even Walmart (probably in
the automotive section). This way you can measure the voltages coming off the p/s pins
accurately. Yes you sometimes need to "load down" a p/s to determine if it is
functioning properly (in other words apply an actual resistance - the circuit it was meant
to power or something equivalent. You can plug it into the mobo and test it by say pushing
a paper clip into the back of the p/s connector for instance.
Sounds like your mobo has issues. You want to start playing with old PCs and stuff - find
some replacement mobos and whatnot. I'm too disorganized at the moment to even offer
to provide one. Others in the group (MARCH) are bound to. Try Bill Degnan. But he's
hours away...
Besides swapping boards, try removing the socketed chips (CPU, etc.) and replacing just
those. Or using that CPU in another computer or board. You have to have something else
that runs an 8088 by now, don't you...
Regards and best of luck.
P.S - get a copy of "Inside the IBM PC", Peter Norton. Has to be PC-era. Has a
picture of a mobo on the cover, but is very green. The earliest addition is not as useful
as the slightly larger more commonly known one (i used to have the *newer* one, but have
only the older, uglier, less useful addition now. Somewhere). It's a M-U-S-T if
you're going to develop a basic understanding of what's going on under duh hood.
You need to get a copy.
--- On Mon, 7/27/09, Joe Giliberti <starbase89 at> wrote:
From: Joe Giliberti <starbase89 at>
Subject: Problems with IBM 5150 Power
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at>
Date: Monday, July 27, 2009, 7:03 PM
I recently acquired a 5150. It is a
16-64k with two drives and color. I have
not been able to boot it up yet. I cleaned the inside, and
made sure
everything was well connected. When I flick the power on,
the CPU fan goes,
and nothing else. There is power coming out of the
motherboard and drive
connectors, but there is nothing at the ISA slot. No beeps
or anything. I
tested the power supply with a modern CD drive. It worked.
I removed the
motherboard and inspected it for obviously bad components
and scorch marks.
I then opened the power supply. It was pretty clean, except
for the hornet's
nest inside. I haven't yet removed that board, but plan to
soon. The fuse is
Can anyone suggest what to do next? I have PDFs of the
Hardware Maintaince
manual and the technical service manual.