On 18 Jan 2010 at 21:21, Tony Duell wrote:
Similarly I learnt the German symbols for logic
gates (the AND gate
looks like what you'd expect, the OR gate looks like an AND gate -- it
has a straight back -- but the input lines are continuted across the
symbol to the curved face), but now use the normal US sysmbols when I'm
drawing schematis, since everybody else does. I can still read a
scehamtic using the German symbols, of
course (nad often have to ;-)).
I'dve thought that the EU would have changed over to those dreadful
IEC symbols by now (BS/EU EN 60617-12:1999). I stumble through those
Oh, officially we probably have. But I've not met anyone who uses them.
with my nose held. It's like reading a musical
score that's been
reduced to text with note names and durations. There's no visual
Oh, and don't get me started on the related subject of schematics that
have not been drawn by electronic engineers. A good schematic should be
instantly recognisable for what it is. Not a 'pretty' arrangement of
symbols on the page.