of people have seen fit to publicly argue over the
employer's parameters
or express their shock that a company run and paid for by a Microsoft
co-founder might (gasp!) want the prospective employee to be capable of
using Microsoft communication tools. For what it's worth, I'm sure these
That was not the point. It was that using particualr programs was given
as a requiremnt. I can't remember if understnading TTL and ECL circuit
was a requirement or just 'desirable', but :
If these Microswoft programs are genuinely so hard to learn and use that
doing so is comparable to understanding digital logic circuitry (and in
the case of ECL, understanding transmission lines), then I truely pity
anyone who has to use them.
If (as I suspect) these programs are quite easy to use, particularly for
somebody with computer experience, then knowing ther use shouldn't have been
given as a 'requirement'. Select a candidate who understands how to debug
logic circuitry (somethat that most certainly cannot be learnt in an
afternoon), and let them learn how to use said programs if they do not
already know them (something that will take an afternoon, at most).