On 09/28/2012 03:45 PM, Dave McGuire wrote:
On 09/28/2012 04:02 PM, Tony Duell wrote:
Green LED
displays are quite common here. We were speaking
specifically of display *tubes* though. (or so I thought)
Well, they;'re listed in most of the catalogues, sure. But in terms of
consumer devices, they are not commonly used. I've seen perhaps 2 or 3
things tht used them.
I think that might be a US/UK thing. They are all over the place in
consumer electronics here, as well as electronic test equipment like HP
signal generators, etc.
[playing catch-up on this thread]
I think that's probably true - I do seem to see rather a lot of green 7-seg
LED displays in the US, but red did seem more common in the UK. Quite why
that would be the case though, I'm not sure.
I've got some nice ol' gas-discharge amber ones in the [UK] junk box which
will get here to me one day - from what I remember of the PCBs that they
were mounted on, they originally came from fuel pumps.
I picked up an 80's-vintage Royal calculator from a junk store the other
day, just because of the nice green-blue VF 7-seg display that it had in
it. I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff...