Looks like they're online but not mounted. If I'm reading the help pages
correctly, I should just be able to mount it at this point:
ROHIT1$ mount dub0: disk0
%MOUNT-F-INCVOLLABEL, incorrect volume label
-MOUNT-I-VOLIDENT, label = 'USER01 ', owner = ' ', format
I tried giving it the correct label, but it still didn't seem to mount. Now
I wanted to see if the MSCP server is running:
What happens if you try:
ROHIT1$ show device/served
MSCP-Served Devices on ROHIT1 1-SEP-2015 10:55:19.39
Queue Requests
Device: Status Total Size Current Max Hosts
%SHOW-E-MSCPNOTLD, MSCP-Server code not loaded
This will only affect the ability to mount locally attached disks from other
nodes in the cluster. It should not have any bearing on mounting them on the
same cluster node they are attached to.
No, it doesn't look like it...so getting back to the >>> prompt, I do a bit
more investigation:
>>show dev
UQSSP Disk Controller 0
-DUA0 (RF71)
UQSSP Disk Controller 1 (760334)
-DUB0 (RA81)
-DUB1 (RA81)
UQSSP Disk Controller 2 (760340)
-DUC10 (RA81)
UQSSP Tape Controller 0 (774500)
-MUA0 (TK70)
Ethernet Adapter 0 (774440)
-XQA0 (08-00-2B-17-3F-37)
I should be able to get to the PARAMS> prompt now:
>>set host /dup/uqssp/disk 1 params
Starting DUP server...
UQSSP Disk Controller 1 (760334)
Stopping DUP server...
Or not? Why can't I seem to get to the prompt? I can with disk 0:
SET HOST /DUP only works for DSSI disks - DUB0 is not a DSSI disk.
Peter Coghlan.