As someone who is blind in the eyes of the law (my
eyesight is poor enough
for me to be considered legally blind, but I can still see enough to use a
computer and similar) I still intend to learn to solder well.
Good for you! My comment meant, of course, that some people who are
legally blind may be unable to learn to sodler because of their lack of
eyesight, bnot that all legally-blind people will eb unable to solder.
I once corresponded with aguy who was legally blind (I do not know how
poor his signt really was) who could desolder DIL pacakges with the best
of them. He could feel when a pin had come free.
I have quite a bit of determination...if someone tells
me something is
impossible I will usually not believe them. ;)
Yes, my attitude too. If I am told I will be unable to do something that
I want to do, it makes me more determined to porve them wrong.