No dice...
ROHIT1$ mount /over=id dub0:
%MOUNT-F-BITMAPERR, I/O error on storage bitmap; volume locked
-SYSTEM-F-FORCEDERROR, forced error flagged in last sector read
ROHIT1$ mount /noassist /system dub0: user01
%MOUNT-F-BITMAPERR, I/O error on storage bitmap; volume locked
-SYSTEM-F-FORCEDERROR, forced error flagged in last sector read
The disk (or less likely the controller) could be faulty but it's more likely
it has media errors in one of the not-good places to have errors :-(
You may be able to MOUNT it /FOREIGN but this will not allow file level access
but it might (with luck) allow it to be backed up with a view to restoring it
onto a working disk. It may also allow you to $ DUMP DUB0: /BLOCK=START=n
where n is some block number past where the errors are. Unfortunately, if it's
anything like RD type disks, exercising it may also make it worse.
$ MOUNT /NOWRITE might also be worth trying.
But it did work for DUB1:!
ROHIT1$ mount /over=id dub1:
This has mounted it privately to your process. If you dismount it and instead:
it will be available to all users.
ROHIT1$ show dev
Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt
Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt
R7CY2A$DIA0: Mounted 0 VMS54_2DISK 173103 134 1
ROHIT1$DUB0: Online 0
ROHIT1$DUB1: Mounted alloc 0 BACKUP_DISK 1404072 1 1
ROHIT1$DUC10: Online 0
I'm not sure exactly which disk is DUC10:, but mount tells me the medium is
It likely has problems like DUB0 :-(
Still attempting to learn enough VMS to get a directory listing on DUB1:,
but I'm getting there! Thanks for the tips.
Try this:
$ DIR DUB1:[*...] /SIZE /DATE
Peter Coghlan.