Guys, don't confuse "rare" with "more historic". "Rare"
just means
"fewer". If the people at Tandy produced a limited-edition TRS-80, and
the only difference was it had a yellow polka-dot case design, and only
100 were ever made, does that mean it's more "rare" than a Straight-8?
Technically, yes! Does that make it more historic? It's too dumb a
question to even ask.
(I'm not putting down the PERQ systems, etc.; those are certainly
historic in their own regard.)
And yes, DEC isn't as popular as Apple; there won't be millions of DEC
fanboys and stuff ......
But it's hard to argue that the Straight-8 isn't one of the most *
historic * systems ever made, re: historic = grand context and
importance to the history of the computer industry. Rarity is a big
factor too, but the '8 has it all. Historic, rare, desirable.