Dave Dunfield wrote:
I've been converting some of the .TD0 image files
that various people
have sent to me into .IMD format using the tried and true "write it
to a disk with Teledisk, and read it back in with Imagedisk" technique.
you could just ask Chuck for the Teledisk file format...
Did that quite some time ago - He's not allowed to tell...
Sorry, I wasn't aware of that.
There's a bit of reverse engineered information on
the web, but it does not
seem complete - Writing to a disk and re-reading seems like the quickest and
most reliable way to do it given that I didn't have THAT many to do. Having
the filenames auto-entered, and the comments captured and transferred makes
this approach reasonable to do.
But how can you be *sure* nothing was mangled in the conversion? If you
can avoid two analog generational losses, hey, why not...
Jim Leonard (trixter at
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