In article <BLU0-SMTP229B592F9B18C0B1A1B62AB2D00 at phx.gbl>,
"Vincent Slyngstad" <vrs at> writes:
Peanuts are the worst though and I am constantly
tempted to levy a
'recycling' charge to anyone who ships to me us ing peanuts.
This isn't the first time someone has made a slam on packing peanuts,
yet I've had plenty of things sent and recieved with peanuts and had
no problems. I think the key is to not just dump the peanuts into the
container, but to physically compress them into the box. The flaps of
the box should require some pressure to fully close around the item.
If done properly, peanuts will not leave a loose void for things to
wiggle around inside.
I'd bet most of your stuff weighs less than 40 pounds, then.
They are terminals. They vary in weight up to 75 lbs.
I collect PDP-8 gear, which generally weighs close to
the weight limit
for a UPS (or even a Fed-Ex) package. You won't get good results with
a PDP-8/e or an RK05 drive with peanuts. I've seen it attempted. Hard
foam, custom shaped, is the thing to use for heavy packages. The only
void should be the one just surrounding the delicate switch register
Yeah, I'm not buying this sort of stuff that way, although I did buy a
dual RX01 set of floppy drives and it was packed in peanuts and
arrived just fine.
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