The University of Chicago Computation Center deployed Teleray 4041
terminals (VT-52 compatible) to employees' desks. I really liked
them, myself. They're what I first learned EMACS on (the real,
TECO-based one). Later, after moving into the systems programming
group, I had an HDS Concept-108 (_sui generis_) which was OK, but
I'd really like to have a couple of 4041's for the museum, to sit
beside our Z-19.
(Once I moved to LOTS, I learned the dictum, "Never buy a terminal
with 'TELE,' 'DATA,' or 'MEDIA' in the name." Funny how
many brands
that left out. :-)
Rich Alderson
Vintage Computing Sr. Systems Engineer
Vulcan, Inc.
505 5th Avenue S, Suite 900
Seattle, WA 98104
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