I was just thinking that when we dump a ROM/PROM contents we get a
binary file out. In order to understand that binary file we need to
know some metadata about the data, such as:
- what is the organization of the chip/data?
Is it 2048x1 bit or is it 256x8 bits?
- is it a character generator table for a terminal?
- is it microcode for a CPU?
- is it code for a commercial microcontroller/microprocessor?
if so, which chip is it for? (8086, 8051, 6809, etc.)
- what part number information is on the chip package?
- if there is a printed label on the packge, what does it say?
(i.e. version number label on an EPROM)
- who performed the dump of the data?
what is their contact information?
It seems to me that this small amount of metadata could easily be
housed in an XML manifest file and an XML schema could describe the
allowed tags and attributes and their expected values. Yeah, I know
XML is "bloated", but there are plenty of tools for processing XML
files and there are editors that are schema aware and prompt you for
allowed elements. The schema can be made extensible if there is a
need for that.
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