On 02/10/2012, at 7:15 AM, Chris Tofu wrote:
C: You say _were_ quite common. Does that mean they still are?
Did they use actual duplicate Apple ][ roms? That's the story I heard (and in a
landmark Australian court case the judge/s ruled that since it wasn't a literary work,
there was no copyright infringement. Oh how I wish our courts were so lax/goofy!).
Not particularly common here any more, 15 to 20 years ago yes. They seemed to be
discarded well before most genuine Apple II's, I think perhaps because most of the
clones were privately owned, and the real Apples were mainly in schools where they stayed
in service for a long time, also the clones were cheap to start with so didn't have
much (if any) resale value.
IIRC the Wombat firmware code was basically an exact copy, just on three larger ROMs
instead of six.
You can probably find the full court transcripts if you search on Apple computer v
Computer Edge.