Don't selk yourself to short. Quite a few of us
will miss you
when the time comes. I just wonder.. how will we know.
Bu the fact that several days pass with no off-topic, typo-ridden mesages?
Mroe seriosuly, the chap who gets my extate (including my classic
computers) is lilely to inform people . Not that I expect him to have to
do this any thime soon..
But there is anothe issue, actually... Many of the people who I suspect
you think will miss me have actually never met me face-to-face. They know
me by my messages on old computers, HP calcualtors, etc, etc. As as
result if I made any major changes to my lifestyle so that I no logner
worked on such machines, or workedo n them a lot less, things oculd be
very different.
My view, therefore, is that I should carry on as I am doing, even if it
means my life is shorter than it could be, doing that which I enjoy
(namely restoring old computers, amongst other things).