On 10/31/10 10:34 AM, "Alexandre Souza - Listas" <pu1bzz.listas at
Sun HW and a
couple SGI O2's are the only real exceptions to my rule about
not collecting UNIX HW. I used the Suns a lot as general purpose
workstations and servers at home. Either running Solaris, or OpenBSD.
My impossible dream is to get a SGI machine. Any of them. There is an
Ozone (or something like) in a surplus seller I know, but he asks just too
much money for it. Someday I'll get one :oD It is a pride and joy for me to
have a SGI machine on my desk :oD
I have a SGI, but currently no keyboard or monitor for it (or adapter) and
it needs drive sleds so I can put drives in it. It is shaped like a slightly
melted tower case. And I think it is purple (haven't seen it in > 6 months)
the previous owner had put cardboard into the drive bays and put the drives
on that, IIRC the drives suffered heat death.