$ set host rstse
%SYSTEM-F-NOSUCHOBJ, network object is unknown at remote node
On the RSTS/E system console, I get the following:
Event type 34.1, Object spawn failure
Occurred 10-Jan-17 17:40:49.5 on node 60.663 (RSTSE)
Reason: Unknown Object identification
Source node = 1.652
Source process = 0 0 0 HEALYZH
Destination Process = 42
OK, so the Decnet-Plus box gets as far as prodding the RSTS box
and asking to use object 42. Something at the back of my mind
is telling me that the protocol (and object) used for remote
terminal connections changed somewhere along the line.
I know nothing about RSTS/E so I don't know what object
it uses for terminal connections. Try to set host
from the RSTS/E system to the DECnet-Plus system and
see what the ensuing OPCOM message whines about. If it's
not 42, then you have your answer. You then get to
release a few white mice on a blue-green planet to
find the question (I'm not prepared to wait a few
million years, but I bet the question will be
"How do I persuade DECnet-Plus to use the old
Antonio Carlini arcarlini(a)iee.org