Hans wrote:
I have an 7 KBaud modem over here so, where's your
stick ?
(Hint: server side of an 56K analouge dial in :)
(small print: the calculation can be done different :)
Megan wrote:
In this case, it sounds like your modem uses a scheme
somehow gets 4 bits across the wire per signal change, so
7Kbaud (7000 signal changes per second) gets across 56Kbps
(56000 bits per second).
No, if it was 7Kbaud and 56Kbps, it would need to get 8 bits per symbol,
not 4. 7000 symbols/second * 8 bits/symbol = 56000 bits/second. Note
that this would require a constellation of 256 distinct symbols (2^8).
However, as previously noted, 56K modems actually operate at 8000 baud,
with up to 7 bits/symbol.
Anyhow, this is OT for another 7 years or so.