Why nmot just enter 16 (in decimal mode) and sqaure
it 4 times?
Because this calculator does all its arithmetic (full floating-point,
even) in hexadecimal. It converts from the entry/display base to base
16, does the calculation, and converts back. Each conversion is on the
order of a second. So squaring 4 times is on the order of 8 seconds.
Starting in hex, there is no conversion until you're done. One second.
Jeff Woolsey {woolsey,jlw}(a){jlw,jxh}.com first.last(a){hp,gmail}.com
Spum bad keming.
Nature abhors a straight antenna, a clean lens, and unused storage capacity.
"Delete! Delete! OK!" -Dr. Bronner on disk space management
"Card sorting, Joel." -me, re Solitaire