On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 2:08 PM, Tony Duell <ard at> wrote:
Just noticed some errors in the CCS DRAM board schematic. Both U4
and U5 (7400) are drawn as an OR gates. I'm
sure there's more..
I've not seen the schamtics, but are they drawn, perhaps, as OR gates
_with inverting circles on the inputs_? Rememebr that a positive logic
AND gate is a negative logic OR gate (De Morgan's lwa, essentially). That
is, if you have 2 active low signals (signals that are true when low/0),
and feed them into am AND gate like a 7408, then output, if considerd
also to be actiuve low, is true is either of the inputs is true
(translation : the output of an AND gate is 0 if either of the inputs is
0). So calling it an OR gate makes sense.
Yes, drawn as an OR with inverter bubbles at the inputs.
Whih does make sense.
Hmm.. negative logic vs. positive logic.. that's a new one to me. Sure, I
get what you're saying, but at my current level it really seems like an
unnecessary complication / confusion. The data sheet calls out the 7408 as
"quad AND gate", and that's how it behaves, so that's how I expect a
to be drawn.. as AND gates.
But it's only an AND gate usign the convention that an input voltage >2V
is a 1m etc.
PErsonally, i do not like the covnention of using the 'wrong' symbols and
adding inverting bubbles, but like you I can see the point .In my own
diagrams (whether design or reverse-engineered) I always use the normal
data sheet symbol. Others feel diffrently about this, and I certianly
have no problems redign a diagram that uses such symbols
As time goes on and experience grows, I'm sure the 'wisdom' of their
choices will become more evident. At the moment, it's a distraction.
So then, let's move on to the section on configuring the switches on the
board. Frankly, it appears not only confusing and just plain wrong, it also
appears to contradict itself. I think this is the stuff that Brent was
mentioning earlier - if you set those switches the way the doc indicates,
the memory gets mapped to the top-end of the 64K range, as opposed to the
bottom end. That one I verified. Also, the switches on the board are in
reverse order vs. the switch tables drawn in the manual.
Then there's the strange statement.. "closed=0 open=1", bottom of p.1-5.
Now that defies every convention known to man.. 0=false=open=off /
1=true=closed=on in my world.
I suspect this comes from the fact that it is much easier to pull a TTL
input high (make it a '1') that to pull it low (make it a '0').
If you want to pull a TLT input hight you cna use quite a large resisotor
--4.7k, for example -- between the input and Vcc. To make it low you need
a much lower reissotr, a fw hundred ohms at most. So if you are goign to
use a simple on/off swithc to drvie a TTL input it takes lt is bett to
conenct the switch between the input and grounf and to have the higher
value pull-up resisotr.
In that case, a closed switch makes the TTL input a logic 0 state.
I have often thought that a lot of TTL design would be easier if the
logic levels had been reversed, that is, if '1' nad been the state close
to ground. But anyway...